Farms That Deliver to Richmond VA! | Richmond Moms


Since COVID19 hit Richmond in March, even simple things like grocery shopping started changing dramatically. Many local grocery stores were selling out rapidly, delivery times were sometimes completely unavailable or delayed by days, so getting food regularly and reliably was becoming increasingly difficult. Even subscription boxes were often sold out, offering much more limited options or were delayed for weeks. Knowing we needed a more reliable way to get quality food, and wanting to help local farms as much as possible, I started researching other options for getting quality foods delivered to our door.



We eat mostly organic produce and grass fed, hormone free, humanely raised meats as much as possible, so I wanted to find something that offered those options was most important to us. But having bought a lot of local produce and meats at farmer’s markets in the past, I knew we had a lot of local farmers that offered those options too. Until farmer’s markets are open again though, I was hoping to find an alternative option.



In my search, I stumbled upon a website created by a user on reddit that has a full list of farms that offer pick up and delivery. The website is which includes farms all over the US, ordered by proximity to your location, but many deliver nationwide so you can easily find whatever you need, locally or not. Many of these farms are smaller operations I might never have found otherwise, that have also had to shift their business model to survive the current environment and are now selling directly to the consumer.



I have found so many great options for our family, with even more options than I ever imagined. (Alligator meat???) Being able to search for farms in one place, and being able to filter by delivery only made it so much easier to find a farm that offered exactly what our family needs sent right to our doorstep. I hope you all find this website as useful as our family has! Please leave any comments below with your experience.



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Chic Holiday Party: 5 Simple Steps

 This story was provided by The Local Moms Network Contributor Host to Perfection.                        “Simplicity is the key note of all true elegance” - Coco Chanel     The Holidays are upon us; the season is all about getting family and friends...

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