Valentine’s Day Pink Hot Chocolate Sticks | Richmond Moms

Need a festive, easy recipe that the kids will love for Valentine’s Day? Try these Valentine’s Day Pink Hot Chocolate sticks! There are only 2 ingredients… and they’re super simple!




  • pink melt-able chips
  • festive sprinkles
  • festive sticks
  • (bows are optional)






  1. Put the festive sprinkles in the bottom of your silicone tray.
  2. Melt half a bag of pink chips in a microwave wave safe bowl.
  3. Scoop the melted pink chips into each basin of the silicone tray.
  4. Place a festive stick in the middle of each filled basin in the silicone tray.
  5. Put the silicone tray in the fridge to set for an hour, then enjoy!





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